The trip from Fargo to Medford seemed pretty short, in comparison. I was so glad to be back in familiar Wisconsin with familiar farm landscape and country roads. It's amazing how much I missed it. I noticed people in gas stations are more friendly and talkative in Wisconsin than out west.
We finally got to Medford, and it once again took Willow a little while to warm up to new people; she probably doesn't remember much from her 1st birthday party. However, the sight of kittens made it a lot easier. We were lucky to share Claire's birthday celebration. Andrea got introduced to farms, cows, cheese curds, and brats in one place. Heard quite a traffic jam while we were sitting around our bonfire.
Andrea was able to ride a horse with Ashley, who rides like a pro. It's amazing how quickly everyone grows up, especially when you don't see them often.
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