Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Molly Joins the Family

We had been wanting to get a puppy, but we hadn't found one that we both liked. We knew we wanted to get a puppy before we had a baby, because we wanted it trained first. Mandy discovered an ad for puppies with a Chesapeake Bay Retriever mother and an Australian Shepard father. We went out to the hobby farm where all the puppies were, in a stone shed. They were all so cute. There was this brown one that was adorable and full of energy, but it was male. We wanted a female. We picked an incredibly cute black puppy with a little white. She loved cuddling. We went out and bought a collar and supplies before we picked her up. We decided to name her Molly, and she was perfect. The first week or so she woke up and cried just like an infant, and we held her and rocked her back to sleep. Training her was work, but well worth it.

Pictures pending...

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